Monday, September 06, 2010

The Beginning Of Formal Education

It starts tomorrow. Owen and William will be entering Junior Kindergarten tomorrow morning. ALL day Junior Kindergarten, might I add. In separate classes.

Deep breath, Pascale, in and out.


Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for the boys, for Elly and for Mark and myself. This is the beginning of a new adventure for our family. With the boys gone from 8:50am to 3pm, I'll be able to focus my attention on Elly, prepare dinner, clean/organise the house a bit, read, hang out with friends, start running again, go grocery shopping with only one child, write on the blog, and so much more. Oh, and maybe I will occaisionally reaquaint myself with my old friend The Afternoon Nap (*involuntary sigh of bliss*). When I think of the silence, I get a little giddy.

And yet...I am freaking out, man! My babies! At school! All day! In separate classes! Without me!

But really, they need this. They need the busyness, they need/love the socialising, they need to be apart from each other for once so that they don't get totally fed up with each other. In my mind, I know that being apart will be really good for them, that they've been with each other 24/7 since birth. They've been fighting a lot this summer, and I really hope that giving them some time to just be themselves, to not have people call them by the wrong name, to discover that they can make friends on their own and not have to rely on each other will strengthen their bond. I picture wonderful after-school chatter as they compare notes on teachers, friends, activities and adventures.

But my heart is crying. My heart keeps dramatically wailing"my babies!" and keeps forcing me to imagine scenarios where they're looking around their new classroom, scanning all the faces to find the one person who really gets them, who'll stick up for them, who's been there 24/7 since birth...only to find that he's not there because their mother thought it would be an awesome idea to frickin' separate them!

Yeah, I know. I'm nuts. Sigh.

As for the kids themselves, they're excited, nervous, apathetic, confused and hyperactive at the thought of school. Owen has been fairly quiet on the subject, with the occaisional outburst of "I don't WANT to go to school tomorrow!", to which William replies, 'Well I do!" We then chat about all the fun things they'll be doing and that they get TWO snacks as well as lunch, which leads to a confused Owen asking,"Are we sleeping there?"

I think it will take a couple of weeks for everyone to adjust, but in my heart of hearts, I know this will be the beginning of a wonderful year, because, well, because its William and Owen and they always seem to figure out how to have fun, no matter what. And I guess that's all that matters, right? Right?

Deep breath. Deeeeep breath.



Auntie Karen said...

I shed a few tears reading this entry Pasc! This is going to be a huge change for the boys but it will all be ok :) They will both learn so much and will be able to share with eachother. Be strong and enjoy your time alone (albeit with one baby still around)!
Lots of love xox

Kat said...

From one twin to a mom of twins,

i went to kindergarten for a full day too and was in a separate class from my twin. my memories of that time are all good. we did have different friends but the great thing was they all came to our birthday party in one huge group so that was a major bonus.

one time, my twin was going to have a substitute teacher. I guess it was planned as the kids knew ahead of time. she was NOT happy about this (hated change) so somehow the teachers (?) arranged for her to come to my class that day! too funny.

i remember that we even learned different things in our classes - so was fun to compare what we were doing.

also, at nap time, if you had been deemed 'good enough' you were allowed to 'sleep' in the special reading/sleeping zone - for my sis that was an antique bathtub with pillows in it. for me it was a mock up of the snoopy dog house (with yellow bean bag). i always wanted to try out the bathtub in the other class but never got the chance :(.

all the best to the boys.
(hi karen!)

(sorry if this is a double post - not sure if the first one went through...)

Pascale said...

How cool was your school, Kat?! A replica snoopy house to nap in? Awesome! Thanks for your words of encouragement and your twin stories...Other twins I've talked to have just been all doom and gloom about the boys separating, so you're the first to tell me it worked well.
Hope all is well in the land of giant spiders!

Brazenlilly said...

Yowza! All day! I'm simultaneously jealous and scared for you! That is a big deal. I'm sure they will thrive and it will make the reunion at 3:05 all the sweeter. :)