Wednesday, October 06, 2010

When Granny Met Elly

When September rolled in, it could only mean one thing...Granny's annual fall visit! And a visit from my darling Granny can only mean one! You see, she and I share a powerful love of food and so every year when she comes, we basically gorge ourselves on every delicious thing we can think of. But the most important gorge-a-thon comes on the Sunday of Granny's visit, when we head downtown for Dim Sum. Or should I say, Dim Sum YUM because that's just how we feel about our Dim Sum.

It was a wonderful week with our wonderful Great Granny Joan (the boys insisted on and persisted in calling her this, despite the fact that it was quite the mouthful for them - she'd offered GGJ, but they refused it), and I loved her company. As long as you stuff her full of delicious food, she's rather easy to be around. ;) But what I loved the most was seeing her with Elly. These two hit it off right from the get-go. And despite telling me she just wasn't all that into babies, Granny was clearly into this baby! What can I say, she's hard to resist when she piles on the charm.

Here are my gals at our favorite Sunday spot
Having a little cuddle

"Really? You can grab your toes like this too? So that's where I get it from!"

I love this photo. Every year, Granny and I take one of my "long-arm self portraits", but this year, Elly decided to get in on the action.
We miss you, Granny-Baby! Come back soon!
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