Wednesday, October 06, 2010

"Weekenders On Our Own...

..Its such fun."
Lou Reed really did say it best.

And it was a perfect day. Two perfect days actually. Thanks to Mark's work, we were able to go up to the Red Leaves Resort at Lake Rosseau in the Muskokas for a little getaway. Mark's parents came into town to look after the boys and we took Mlle E with us. First time we've been away together for a weekend without the boys. And let me tell you now folks...One baby is EASY! It was like we were Mark and Pascale again. Sure, we were still Mummy and Daddy, but we weren't really. We were just Mark and Pascale with their baby. Oh my, but it was blissful. The silence. The sleeping in. The not having to schedule everything, or fight about brushing teeth, going to the toilet, washing your hands after you go to the toilet, eating the food on your plate...need I go on?

It was a total vacation and I really, really thank you, Bill and Susan, for looking after the boys. Now...When can you come back?!

Elly-belle chillaxing on the drive up to the resort

My sweet, happy girl, despite the fact that she was teething.

The Resort. It reminded me of a 1960s family vacation spot, with planned activities and mini-kitchens in the hotel rooms. It felt like we were in Dirty Dancing or something, you know? Except way more modern and no babies in any corners.

The view from the rooftop terrace of Lake Rosseau.

Out for a walk near the water on a blustery fall day, with the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

And a snuggly, sleeping baby.

My little cuddle-bug slept in both mornings. Gotta love hotel black-out curtains!


1 comment:

AFG said...

So glad you had a break and got to feel like yourself again. Aren't parents-in-law wonderful!