Friday, December 12, 2008

Word + Word + Word = Sentences

Owen and William have started talking a lot more lately. Sometimes its not all that easy to understand the words they're saying, but I think I'm getting better at deciphering what's being talked about. It helps that William is more than willing to keep repeating a word over and over until I say 'OH! You're saying XYZ!" and he'll say "yeah" and move on to the next thing. Or if I simply can't understand him, he'll actually use other words that are somehow linked to what he was originally trying to say and then go back to the unintelligable word. Amazing. And their sentence structure is coming along nicely too.

Words and sentences currently being used in our house:

"Whuh Shell go?" = Where did Michelle go? (Michelle is Cooper's mum. They live five doors down and we play with them a lot these days. The boys even had a play date with Cooper the other day so I could go off to do some Christmas shopping. It was great!)

"I jum cowsh" = I want to go upstairs, pull all the cushions off the couches in the living room and jump up and down on them.

"Lie on, pea mummy. Ree book" = lights on please mummy, I want to read a book (This command is issued every morning when I go into their room. They like the light on right away and then want to read in bed for a while, allowing me to go have a shower or make a cup of tea. Love it! Oh, and the please mummy part is usually only said after I request it)

"kakuhs n hum n chee" = crackers and ham and cheese (a very popular lunch request)

"I pay suh-suh" = I want to go and play upstairs (usually followed by) "I jum cowsh".

"Caddy fuh. Caddy fuh dow. Caddy kai. Shell up." = Calley (Cooper's 5 year old sister whom the boys adore) fell down as she ran home. She cried, but Michelle picked her up (this sentence is said at least three times a day - I think they're obsessed with people hurting themselves but then actually being okay in the end).

"Chi-chin" = kitchen

"chupin cut" = shopping cart

"ah-poo" = apple

"unge" = orange

"hammy" = hammer

"Abow" = Amber.

"pity" = pretty. Owen often lists all the people he thinks are pretty, which is basically everyone who's name he can say. Last weekend in the car he was doing his usual list - "Nannie pity. Gan pity. Ga-ga pity. Abow pity." - when he paused and said with great surprise, as if he was experiences a mighty revelation "I pity!" Yes, Owie, you are pretty.

"kak-kak" = bird (as in quack quack, as in duck, as in bird. In our world, all birds say quack quack apparently)

"Daddy laduh. Daddy kak-kak" = Daddy was standing on the ladder. Daddy put up that birdhouse.

There are many, many more words in use, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I just quizzed Mark on the words above and he got most of them, but he was alarmed at how well I speak the boys "language". He says I've been spending too much time with them! I am trying very hard not to jump in and interpret when other people are talking to the boys, but its hard, since I usually know exactly what message they're trying to get across. But I do think its getting better every day and the more we talk together, the more confident they are about talking to other people and using their words. Its also fascinating to get this glimpse into their worlds - by listening to them and the associations they make with words, I can sort of see their trains of thought and what is captivating them at the moment. Its pity speh-shuh.


Amber said...

I think you should mention that once, William accidentally called me Elmo, and then got really embarrassed when I called him on it:
W: Elmo!
A: Did you just call me Elmo?
W -- looks bashfully into his shoulder with a half smile.

Also, I think the boys occasionally call me Elbow too. It's not their fault, really, since I usually answer :)

Thanks for a great and funny post!


Anonymous said...

lol. very funny post and funny response A.

that is a seriously impressive dictionary pasc.

Shirl said...

Hi Pascale,
As I'm still an avid fan of your blog, I thought it only fair to give you the address of my own blog (that I started writing a month ago). It's:

And I'm sorry: I also chose the same format as you, but it's my favourite!
Hope you're all well - have a great Christmas!
Shirley xx