When I was a kid, I loved my teddy bear Billy William Bear with all my heart. H was given to me when I was two or three, and being given Billy, with a bright yellow ribbon around his neck is one of my earliest memories. I imagined that he was actually real and that when I turned my back, he came to life only to go still when I looked at him again. I used to whisper into his enormous ears "if you're real, give me a sign", and then stare intently to try to detect any movement. I would place little hotel honey jars in front of him, turn my back for a couple of minutes and then check to see how much honey he'd eaten. He was pretty crafty, never actually letting me see him move, and he also had great willpower because he never ate the honey. Or at least not too much of it.
I took Billy with me everywhere and he always snuggled with me at night, making me feel safe and comforted. He came with me to university, where Gillian mocked him and told me he looked like a rat -but you should have seen HER stuffed animal! She was a very cruel friend to her dog or donkey - what was it Gilli? - and slept with her head ON him, so he was flat as a board. I seem to recall that he always looked a little annoyed with his lot in life. But anyway, I digress. When I moved back to Canada to live with Mark, Billy came with me and he slept on our bed next to Mark's faithful friend, Pandini. I've always had a soft spot for Pandini, mainly because when you shake him up and down, he does an awesome arm dance. They became good friends and Billy taught Pandini the freeze-she's-looking-to-see-if-we're-real game.
But then we got a dog who liked all things fuzzy and I realised that it was time to be a grown up and put my friend away. With a heavy heart, and a lot of "I'm sorry"s, Mark and I put the bears into a closet and shut the door. Sigh.
But then we had babies. Yay! And these babies have become toddlers who've started playing with their teddy bears. Every night they request their Bah-bee - Owen actually says "Poor Geffy", even if that is his brother's baby - and their stuffed cat from Anindita & Christopher. So this weekend, as Mark was cleaning out one of our closets, he pulled out our bears and showed them to the boys. Lo and behold, these guys have suddenly become highly requested at night. I can't help but melt a little when I hear them asking for the bears by name. So imagine my complete and utter happiness and meltiness when I went into the boys' room tonight to check on them and found this adorable scene:
Owen and Billy snuggling away

William either being suffocated by Pandini or having a really nice cuddle.

Here is the side view

I'm so happy the bears are being loved again and suddenly feel like all is right in the teddy bear world. Oh, and by the way, we did move Pandini to a safer, less suffocating position, like the end of the bed.
I took Billy with me everywhere and he always snuggled with me at night, making me feel safe and comforted. He came with me to university, where Gillian mocked him and told me he looked like a rat -but you should have seen HER stuffed animal! She was a very cruel friend to her dog or donkey - what was it Gilli? - and slept with her head ON him, so he was flat as a board. I seem to recall that he always looked a little annoyed with his lot in life. But anyway, I digress. When I moved back to Canada to live with Mark, Billy came with me and he slept on our bed next to Mark's faithful friend, Pandini. I've always had a soft spot for Pandini, mainly because when you shake him up and down, he does an awesome arm dance. They became good friends and Billy taught Pandini the freeze-she's-looking-to-see-if-we're-real game.
But then we got a dog who liked all things fuzzy and I realised that it was time to be a grown up and put my friend away. With a heavy heart, and a lot of "I'm sorry"s, Mark and I put the bears into a closet and shut the door. Sigh.
But then we had babies. Yay! And these babies have become toddlers who've started playing with their teddy bears. Every night they request their Bah-bee - Owen actually says "Poor Geffy", even if that is his brother's baby - and their stuffed cat from Anindita & Christopher. So this weekend, as Mark was cleaning out one of our closets, he pulled out our bears and showed them to the boys. Lo and behold, these guys have suddenly become highly requested at night. I can't help but melt a little when I hear them asking for the bears by name. So imagine my complete and utter happiness and meltiness when I went into the boys' room tonight to check on them and found this adorable scene:
Owen and Billy snuggling away
William either being suffocated by Pandini or having a really nice cuddle.
Here is the side view
I'm so happy the bears are being loved again and suddenly feel like all is right in the teddy bear world. Oh, and by the way, we did move Pandini to a safer, less suffocating position, like the end of the bed.
I love this story, it's super sweet and I love that Mark had a teddy bear too!
I had one that also joined me in university and I too was mocked a little. It even come into marriage with me but when I had Nathan the bear got the boot. Just not enough room in the bed, with a baby, and hubby.
Your boys are so delightfully cute, I'm sure they are so fun and funny these days. Thank you for the posts. I love to continue to "track" your lives via the blog.
Take care and give Amber and Abby hugs from us when you see them next. Is she the cutest baby girl or what?!
It's a DONKEY!! How could you forget... Ah, yes I remember your teddybearrat fondly... :-) Finlay now has Donkey in his cot with him but doesn't actually seem overly enthralled by him - can't think why??
That is the most adorable blog post ever!
awww what a nice story to read before i shut my little eyes for the night. thanks pasc. makes me think of my own little guys in canada - Patches (a dog) and Bunny (a bunny)...they are snuggled together in a box in mom's attic (for now, until i return) :)
sweet dreams.
Oh Pascale:)
What a sweet post. Makes me think of my 'Mousey' that I carried with me everywhere when I was young.
Your post also reminded me of "The Velveteen Rabbit" which maybe a book the boys will love:) I love that story.
Me xoxo
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