Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Coobie, Joop & Jump

William has fallen in love with Coobie. Coobie is someone you know, but probably under a different name. Want to hazard a guess? Well, in case you don't speak Williamese, its Cookie Monster. I'm not entirely sure why Cookie is the new flavour of the week, but its gotten to the point where the first word my boy speaks in the morning is "Coobie" and the last word before going to bed is "Coobie". Don't get me wrong, I still hear "bak-hoe" an awful lot, especially from Owen, but lately, we're Sesame Street fanatics.

Of course, part of me is worried that this means the boys are watching too much tv, but then the other night in the bath, I felt temporarily vindicated. Will turned to look at the taps and gleefully pointed at the cold water tap. "C!", he said to us. "Coobie!!" My jaw dropped and I turned excitedly to Mark 'He can recognize the letter C! That's so awesome! See? Sesame Street IS good for them!" Then Will pointed to the middle tap with the arrow on it. "Coobie!" Um....and then the hot water tap. "Coobie, mummy!" Okay, so maybe he doesn't totally get it, but I still think he recognized the letter C. Once they start singing 'One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven tweh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-ELVE!" THEN I'll know Sesame Street is good viewing.

Hearing the boys saying words slightly differently then we adults would has made me want to record some of them for posterity. Because I know that very soon it won't be Coobie, but Cookie, and I'll miss the days of the little high voice, the excited little fingers pointing and the wide-eyed look of wonder. Some of the other words they're (mis)saying right now that I love are

Joop (juice) - "Want joop, mummy. Joop!"

Pea (please) - 'Pea, mummy, pea Coobie" when they want to watch Sesame Street

I Jum (I want to jump, or I am jumping) - "I jum! I jum!" this one mostly from Owen. We've started swimming lessons with the boys and Owen's passion is jumping into the pool into Mark's arms. He spends most of the half hour lesson each week requesting to jump into the pool. After the first lesson, I asked Mark if he thought they were going to dream about swimming all night and he said, "No, they're going to dream about jumping off things."

Anduh (Amber) - said when trying to show her something or ask her for something.

CHA-chi (Jack, the dog) - Who knew we had a character from Happy Days living with us?

Dubbi (Debbie, my running buddy) - They know where Debbie lives, love her running shoes, her cell phone and her 5 and 9 year old sons. Everytime we drive past her house, I hear "Dubbi! Dubbi, mummy! Shoooooe!", even if neither she or her shoes are anywhere to be seen.

Madduh (mail truck) - They love spotting mail trucks when we are out and about. This is probably due to the fact that one day, when out with the Plocks, Dita and I made up a song to distract one set of crying twins. Its since become THE song to sing when in the car. It goes like this:

Mail truck, mail truck, you're so great!
Mail truck, mail truck don't be late!
Mail truck, mail truck brings us mail
Through rain and snow and sleet and hail!
Mail truck, mail truck, red white blue!
Mail truck, mail truck WE LOVE YOU!

I'm thinking of selling the rights to Raffi.

Hmm, I know there are way more words, but my mind is now a blank. I'll add more as they come back to me or as I hear them!

1 comment:

AFG said...

hey pasc, that's so funny, i especially like Joop. my sister has been trying to get my 2 yr old nephew to embrace Spanish through DVDs and CDs and it is paying off too, but with the same "personalization" of words. So stick with the Sesame street, it must be working!!