Well, I did it. I created another blog. I've decided to keep Waiting For Bob as is and just link to the new blog, MummaBumma.blogspot.com, because I'm just not willing to say goodbye to WFB forever.
So go on, check it out, but remember you can always come back here to read old posts.
This isn't goodbye, just...see you soon at our new hangout.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
For Your Consideration
Readers, I need your help.
I took a long, hard look at Waiting For Bob the other day and realised it looks a little dated. I think its time I move forward a little and update the design. I toyed with a few different looks last night, but have yet to come up with the winning formula.
But here's the thing. As I sat trying to figure out how I wanted to present the blog, I wondered if the title doesn't fit anymore. Waiting For Bob. I mean, I'm not waiting anymore, am I? Is it time for a name change? How would you feel about that?
I actually went so far as to save the potential site address www.mummabumma.blogspot.com.
Now, don't panic. Nothing has been done yet. I don't want to fix it if it ain't broke, but I've lost perspective on the whole thing now, so I need your help. Should I change the blog name (this would also mean I would have to redirect you to a new site, of course. And perhaps a new year is the right time to make that leap?) and if so, what should I change it to? MummaBumma was just an idea, although I do kind of like the ring of it.
Please give me your thoughts, I can't make this decision without you.
I took a long, hard look at Waiting For Bob the other day and realised it looks a little dated. I think its time I move forward a little and update the design. I toyed with a few different looks last night, but have yet to come up with the winning formula.
But here's the thing. As I sat trying to figure out how I wanted to present the blog, I wondered if the title doesn't fit anymore. Waiting For Bob. I mean, I'm not waiting anymore, am I? Is it time for a name change? How would you feel about that?
I actually went so far as to save the potential site address www.mummabumma.blogspot.com.
Now, don't panic. Nothing has been done yet. I don't want to fix it if it ain't broke, but I've lost perspective on the whole thing now, so I need your help. Should I change the blog name (this would also mean I would have to redirect you to a new site, of course. And perhaps a new year is the right time to make that leap?) and if so, what should I change it to? MummaBumma was just an idea, although I do kind of like the ring of it.
Please give me your thoughts, I can't make this decision without you.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The F***ing Fours
The boys are back at school after a wonderful Christmas and New Year spent with family. It was lovely to be away at the cottage for the holidays again this year, but its equally lovely to be back at home and have Owen and William in school during the week. Is that harsh? Do I sound like a mean mummy? I don't mean to be, its just the reality of living with two boys going through the F***ing Fours at the same time.
Sorry? What's that? You don't know about the F***ing Fours? You've only heard of the Terrible Twos, I suppose. I was as clueless as you before October 2010. Clueless and a little cocky, to be honest, because I thought we'd done pretty well to avoid too much drama during the Terrible Twos. I seem to recall the boys were fairly pleasant that year. Well I've got my comeuppance this year. We've made up for it in spades because now we're right smack dab in the middle of the F***ing Fours and I'm ready to throw in the towel. Can't anyone see my little white flag on a stick being waved frantically about in the air? Stop the ride, I want to get off.
Lordy. Its just constant. If they're not fighting with each other - "I don't yike you, Owen! You're not my best fwiend anymore!", "Mumma, Will is trying to push me down the stairs!", "MUMMY! Owen BITED me!" and so on and so on and so on ad infinitum - then they're taunting each other in sickly sweet voices until the physical fighting resumes - "Sorry, Will, but you can't have this toy because Mumma gave it to me", "Sorry Owen but you can't pway with Wyatt today because we don't yike you."
And when they're done with each other, they turn on me. Owen's favorite thing to shout at me when he's angry (because I have doled out a consequence to some inappropriate behaviour/have not yielded to his demands/have insisted he eat his meal/told him he couldn't watch tv all day/looked at him the wrong way) is "I HATE you, Mumma-BUMMA!" Charmed, I'm sure. William on the other hand just turns into a fiery ball of rage that storms and stamps and incoherently screams its way around the house.
Oh yeah, fun times.
I've been told that this behaviour, whilst rather challenging to the parents, is perfectly normal. They are so well behaved at school that when they come home tired and hungry, their only recourse is what my friend calls "emotional vomit". They know they're in a safe place, and are loved unconditionally, so the pent up emotions of the day just spew out of their tired little mouths. Doesn't make it any easier for poor Mumma-Bumma though.
They don't show this stuff in any of the marketing for baby items do they? Its always a mother beautifully made up, smiling serenely at her sleeping baby. Where's the mother pulling her hair out wearing yesterday's sweats as her four year old sticks his tongue out at her. I don't recall a chapter in What To Expect When You're Expecting entitled How To Cope When Your Darling, Sweet Baby Hits The F***ing Fours And Morphs Into A Troll. Guess the world might be a little less populated if we had a chapter like that.
So how do I cope? Well, sometimes I don't. But my New Year's Resolution to myself was to be a better mother. To not rise to the bait and scream back, to not lose my temper at every turn, to try to remember to take deep breaths and speak calmly, to let them know that my arms are always open for a hug, no matter how much I just want to say "NO HUGS FOR YOU, YOU LITTLE MONSTER!" To enjoy the quiet times with Elly during the day and focus on the good behaviour when the boys are home.
And to try to remember that by all accounts, seven is a wonderful age.
Sorry? What's that? You don't know about the F***ing Fours? You've only heard of the Terrible Twos, I suppose. I was as clueless as you before October 2010. Clueless and a little cocky, to be honest, because I thought we'd done pretty well to avoid too much drama during the Terrible Twos. I seem to recall the boys were fairly pleasant that year. Well I've got my comeuppance this year. We've made up for it in spades because now we're right smack dab in the middle of the F***ing Fours and I'm ready to throw in the towel. Can't anyone see my little white flag on a stick being waved frantically about in the air? Stop the ride, I want to get off.
Lordy. Its just constant. If they're not fighting with each other - "I don't yike you, Owen! You're not my best fwiend anymore!", "Mumma, Will is trying to push me down the stairs!", "MUMMY! Owen BITED me!" and so on and so on and so on ad infinitum - then they're taunting each other in sickly sweet voices until the physical fighting resumes - "Sorry, Will, but you can't have this toy because Mumma gave it to me", "Sorry Owen but you can't pway with Wyatt today because we don't yike you."
And when they're done with each other, they turn on me. Owen's favorite thing to shout at me when he's angry (because I have doled out a consequence to some inappropriate behaviour/have not yielded to his demands/have insisted he eat his meal/told him he couldn't watch tv all day/looked at him the wrong way) is "I HATE you, Mumma-BUMMA!" Charmed, I'm sure. William on the other hand just turns into a fiery ball of rage that storms and stamps and incoherently screams its way around the house.
Oh yeah, fun times.
I've been told that this behaviour, whilst rather challenging to the parents, is perfectly normal. They are so well behaved at school that when they come home tired and hungry, their only recourse is what my friend calls "emotional vomit". They know they're in a safe place, and are loved unconditionally, so the pent up emotions of the day just spew out of their tired little mouths. Doesn't make it any easier for poor Mumma-Bumma though.
They don't show this stuff in any of the marketing for baby items do they? Its always a mother beautifully made up, smiling serenely at her sleeping baby. Where's the mother pulling her hair out wearing yesterday's sweats as her four year old sticks his tongue out at her. I don't recall a chapter in What To Expect When You're Expecting entitled How To Cope When Your Darling, Sweet Baby Hits The F***ing Fours And Morphs Into A Troll. Guess the world might be a little less populated if we had a chapter like that.
So how do I cope? Well, sometimes I don't. But my New Year's Resolution to myself was to be a better mother. To not rise to the bait and scream back, to not lose my temper at every turn, to try to remember to take deep breaths and speak calmly, to let them know that my arms are always open for a hug, no matter how much I just want to say "NO HUGS FOR YOU, YOU LITTLE MONSTER!" To enjoy the quiet times with Elly during the day and focus on the good behaviour when the boys are home.
And to try to remember that by all accounts, seven is a wonderful age.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Little Things
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Intrepid Explorer
Elly has become quite the adventurer lately. She's crawling full speed ahead and desperate to cruise around the couches, if only her legs would stop wobbling long enough to hold her up. For now she'll settle for kneeling and banging on things.

She yells down to the boys in the basement all the time, no doubt saying "Come play with me!"
She yells down to the boys in the basement all the time, no doubt saying "Come play with me!"

How to keep a nine month old busy? Let her have at it with the winter hats and mitts basket! Best play ever!

Pretty pleased with herself! Elly's face now lights up like this every time she sees the open dishwasher, whether its clean or dirty!
She made me nervous though...she's still pretty wobbly and has no idea how to get down safely once she gets on to something. Here's the video with my nervous clucking included.
And as an added bonus, here's Elliot being awfully cute as she eats her dinner. She was helping me blow on her food to cool it down. I yuv dose yips!
Monday, December 20, 2010
New Traditions
I decided to start a new tradition this year, based on something I read on my blogging friend Jen aka Brazenlilly's blog (by the way, if you're looking to give to others this year and aren't sure who to give to, you might want to read about Jen and her family's adoption process - they're planning to adopt a baby from Thailand, but the financial side of adoption is difficult to say the least and they could use any help they can get). Instead of the usual chocolate advent calendar, they do an "event" calendar...something they do as a family each day. I loved the idea of finding time as a family to celebrate Christmas and after seeing a gorgeous tree calendar at Pottery Barn Kids decided to try it this year too.
Here's our advent calendar hanging on the wall in the living room and kitchen area. Cute, huh?
Now it looks very pretty, but filling all those little pockets with daily activities is actually a lot of work and planning. This year is definitely a learning experience and I think next year it'll be easier! I looked for examples of fun activities on Jen's blog, as well as online and came up with a good list to draw from, as well as some events that I knew we'd be doing on certain dates. So, for example, on one of the early days we went and chose our Christmas tree, decorated it and had egg nog.
I also knew we had to make a special trip to the airport last week, so on the 13th, our activity was to "Go to the airport wearing Santa hats and pick Gaga up!" That went down very well!

We also had a cookie decorating party with our friends Aiden & Andrew.

And tonight we got ready for bed and then went for a drive to look at the Christmas lights in our neighbourhood. I love the legs sticking out of big boots and big jackets.

We've definitely had some misses too, what with kids being sick or someone not being interested in the activity of the day, but I think I have a good sense of how this works now and can perfect it for next year. FYI, here's a list of some of the other things we've done, or I've planned for us to do! I wish I'd consulted this list more often the night before and written things down rather than scrambling quite so much during the day to get things done. Ah well, like I said, its been a learning experience and next year, well! Look out December 1st, because I. Will. Be. Ready!
read Christmas stories
sprinkle oats on the lawn for the reindeer
go tobogganing
make a snowman with a carrot nose, hat and stick arms
Color picture for Christmas card.
Make house smell like Christmas. (Where you toss cinnamon sticks, cloves, anise seeds, etc., in an old saucepan and warm it up every once in a while.)
Polish toenails in Christmas colors. (I am thinking light metallic green with tiny red dots.)
Hang candy canes on tree.
Hang paper snowflakes from ceiling.
Make peanut butter pinecones to feed birds.
Paint face like Rudolph.
Color Christmas pictures.
Eat reindeer food. ( reindeer food = popcorn and m&ms and peanuts.)
Drive around and look at lights.
lleave out milk and cookies for Santa
celebrate the season with friends
make salt dough ornaments
hot chocolate stirred with candy canes
watch Christmas movies (another good babysitter activity)
write a letter to Santa
make our own wrapping paper with potato stamps, glitter, etc
make and mail cards for our friends
make and decorate sugar cookies
Local lights tour
decorate our doors (use a big roll of white butcher paper to make huge Christmas trees and add cut out ornaments)
Here's our advent calendar hanging on the wall in the living room and kitchen area. Cute, huh?

Now it looks very pretty, but filling all those little pockets with daily activities is actually a lot of work and planning. This year is definitely a learning experience and I think next year it'll be easier! I looked for examples of fun activities on Jen's blog, as well as online and came up with a good list to draw from, as well as some events that I knew we'd be doing on certain dates. So, for example, on one of the early days we went and chose our Christmas tree, decorated it and had egg nog.

I also knew we had to make a special trip to the airport last week, so on the 13th, our activity was to "Go to the airport wearing Santa hats and pick Gaga up!" That went down very well!
We also had a cookie decorating party with our friends Aiden & Andrew.

And tonight we got ready for bed and then went for a drive to look at the Christmas lights in our neighbourhood. I love the legs sticking out of big boots and big jackets.

We've definitely had some misses too, what with kids being sick or someone not being interested in the activity of the day, but I think I have a good sense of how this works now and can perfect it for next year. FYI, here's a list of some of the other things we've done, or I've planned for us to do! I wish I'd consulted this list more often the night before and written things down rather than scrambling quite so much during the day to get things done. Ah well, like I said, its been a learning experience and next year, well! Look out December 1st, because I. Will. Be. Ready!
read Christmas stories
sprinkle oats on the lawn for the reindeer
go tobogganing
make a snowman with a carrot nose, hat and stick arms
Color picture for Christmas card.
Make house smell like Christmas. (Where you toss cinnamon sticks, cloves, anise seeds, etc., in an old saucepan and warm it up every once in a while.)
Polish toenails in Christmas colors. (I am thinking light metallic green with tiny red dots.)
Hang candy canes on tree.
Hang paper snowflakes from ceiling.
Make peanut butter pinecones to feed birds.
Paint face like Rudolph.
Color Christmas pictures.
Eat reindeer food. ( reindeer food = popcorn and m&ms and peanuts.)
Drive around and look at lights.
lleave out milk and cookies for Santa
celebrate the season with friends
make salt dough ornaments
hot chocolate stirred with candy canes
watch Christmas movies (another good babysitter activity)
write a letter to Santa
make our own wrapping paper with potato stamps, glitter, etc
make and mail cards for our friends
make and decorate sugar cookies
Local lights tour
decorate our doors (use a big roll of white butcher paper to make huge Christmas trees and add cut out ornaments)
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