Monday, August 16, 2010

Marshmellow Moment

How is it possible that the boys are nearly four years old and this was their first time roasting marshmellows? They were quite enamoured by the sugar, not so in love with the sticky side of it all. But somehow they pushed through and managed to finish off a whole bag...with the help of mummy, daddy, uncle Dwayne and most definitely Auntie Karen.
Do you like that we had our campfire during daylight hours? It was a rush to get it in before the 7pm bedtime. After three foolish experiements this summer, we've realised that 7pm is a FIRM bedtime or there's hell to pay over the next few days. The boys do not sleep in, they do not nap and they most certainly need their sleep, or its grumpy trolls all 'round.
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Elle said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun...I love all the Elly pics. Looks like she had a super holiday! I bet you didn't get that much sleep! Glad you are back and blogging. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH!!! When did those little boys boys become, well, NOT SO LITTLE??? What great pics and hope the weather stayed as good as it looks! Just LOVE seeing everyone doing so well and so VERY HAPPY!! Looking ever so lovely yourself, my Lovely Lady.
Thinking of you often XOXOXO Deb

Jillibean said...

Can't believe you DID manage to get them to bed at 7pm after all that sugar. I have witnessed first hand what happens if you accidentally feed them Frosted Mini-wheats instead of the regular kind!