You've just had your four month birthday and your daddy and I are amazed at how quickly you've grown. We had to stop using the bassinet by the side of our bed at night because you're much too long for it now. We've put you in a pack n' play instead, although getting you out of it in the middle of the night to feed you is not quite as easy. And speaking of getting up in the've managed to sleep through five times now, although never consecutively. Are you just teasing me, or do you think you might try that again. Mummy really would love a full night's sleep every once in a while.
Here you are in the basinett with your favorite friend, your left foot. You often cuddle it up to you, or suck on your big toe. I think the night after I took this photo we realised you were just too long to sleep in here anymore.
At four months, you're a very smiley and happy little thing, although you definitely save your best smiles for Daddy. When he walks in the door at the end of the day, your entire face lights up as you beam at him, and he, of course, melts completely. You're also very, very fond of your brothers. I was reading them a bedtime story this evening with you in my lap facing us and we had to stop reading for a bit because you were laughing so much at William and Owen. We started laughing too because it was so cute. Actually, you're very good at making the boys laugh. If ever they're grumpy or annoyed, one look from you changes their attitude completely. They can be in mid-tantrum when suddenly they catch a look from you and can't help but coo and smile back.
Here we are at the park, wading your toesies in the water. You look so much like your brothers.

1 comment:
Aw, Pasc she's so lovely!
I want a girly too! (all sweet and smiley and delivered aged 4 months, if possible :))
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