My very cool brother is here for the weekend, bringing with him sunshine and fun. The boys are absolutely in awe of their uncle and would be quite happy to spend all day watching every move he makes. We've heard a lot of 'Doin', Unca Dave? Doin'?" this weekend, meaning, "what are you doing and why and can we help?"
Here are my two favorite buddies, hamming it up in their Commencal sweaters. Thanks to David's job as export manager for Commencal, he gets to come to Canada on a regular basis. So go buy a Commencal bike and support my brother's trips over here!!

Will and David reading a book. William insisted on wearing Dave's hat yesterday, despite the fact that its waaay too big for his big noggin.

"Was dat, Dave?"
"Mmmmm, cookies Will."

Little monkeys climbing the couch.
Here are my two favorite buddies, hamming it up in their Commencal sweaters. Thanks to David's job as export manager for Commencal, he gets to come to Canada on a regular basis. So go buy a Commencal bike and support my brother's trips over here!!
Will and David reading a book. William insisted on wearing Dave's hat yesterday, despite the fact that its waaay too big for his big noggin.
"Was dat, Dave?"
"Mmmmm, cookies Will."
Little monkeys climbing the couch.
estc-e que les boys ont demandé: "What is this big moumoute on your head, uncle dave?! is it alive? can I touch it?"
non parce que franchement, quelle touffe !!
Je suis d'accord Cece! I asked him what on earth was up with his hair and he said he was just waiting to show "it" to you and then he'd get it cut. Par contre, tout le monde pense qu'il est plus jeune que moi, donc...peut-etre que je devrait pousser mes cheveux comme Dave?
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