I think part of the reason its taken me so long to post anything about my trip to the UK is that I have so much to say and I was finding it hard to figure out where to start. The other parts of the reason have been no sleep, crying children, flu and generally being busy. I've actually started this post a few times and kind of got myself bogged down in the details. Mark finally said "look, people just want to see the photos, so put them up and keep it simple." And I think that he's right - If I try to write everything I want to, you wouldn't get any photos until the new year. Plus its been another long, long, long day with the boys and I think I just need to eat something and go to bed. Ready? Okay then. Here we go!
Here is Elly, the bride to be on the night I arrived in St Andrews. I stayed with her in the flat she and her family rented on North Street. It was right across from the cinema, for those of you who know the town. It looked pretty nondescript from the outside, but was huge and lovely inside. Wait til you see the photos of the immense garden! Anyway, Elly and I decided that despite it being 10pm and raining when I arrived, we really needed a good chinwag and a walk on the Scores, near the Cathedral Ruins, the Castle and the sea wall. It was exactly what I need after a night on the plane and a long drive in the car up from London. And it was great to catch up with Elly and get all the pre-wedding buzz. She was very calm, by the way, for someone getting married in two days!

Here is a blurry shot of St Salvator's Chapel, where Elle and Tim got married. I just love all the old architecture in St Andrews.
Here is Elly, the bride to be on the night I arrived in St Andrews. I stayed with her in the flat she and her family rented on North Street. It was right across from the cinema, for those of you who know the town. It looked pretty nondescript from the outside, but was huge and lovely inside. Wait til you see the photos of the immense garden! Anyway, Elly and I decided that despite it being 10pm and raining when I arrived, we really needed a good chinwag and a walk on the Scores, near the Cathedral Ruins, the Castle and the sea wall. It was exactly what I need after a night on the plane and a long drive in the car up from London. And it was great to catch up with Elly and get all the pre-wedding buzz. She was very calm, by the way, for someone getting married in two days!
Here is a blurry shot of St Salvator's Chapel, where Elle and Tim got married. I just love all the old architecture in St Andrews.
And here we are together. We're actually right in front of the Castle ruins on the Scores, close to where the two of us used to have our English tutorials together. But it was pretty dark and I guess the camera focused on our beaming smiles instead. Shortly after this we joined Tim, Elly's husband-to-be at Ogston's Bar and had a long vodka for old time's sake. It was delicious!
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