Saturday, June 14, 2008

Life Is Good

If you ever hear me complaing, please slap me. If I whine about something or start to go off on a rant about something ridiculously insignificant, please tell me to sit down and shut up. Because my life is so good these days.

I sat on the back step this evening watching my toddlers running around on the freshly mown grass, giggling away, whilst my husband, my love for the past 12 years, giggled too. My stinky but loyal dog sat down on the steps next to me in conspiratorial happiness and the birds sang on.

So if I tell you that I'm tired of wiping runny noses or that I missed my afternoon nap, that I had to actually do laundry in our air conditioned basement or that I had to clean out the fridge because we ordered take out rather than eat all the food my husband's salary buys us on a regular basis...please tell me that I am a spoiled princess and I need to stop talking immediately. Deal?

My blonde, curly haired angels

Watching daddy mowing the lawn

I love how the light shone on them

And I love how their hair is all crazy with the heat and humidity these days. I should cut it, but I love it too much.
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1 comment:

AFG said...

That was a great post, thanks! Just what I needed to put life into perspective on busy Monday morning in the office. Aren't weekends at home with family and friends and a little bit of sunshine just bliss?