Sunday, June 08, 2008

I Know, I Know...Long Time No Post

I'm sorry I've been so sporadic in my postings - I feel as though I have so much to say that I don't really ever know where to start, so I just don't even attempt it. Terrible excuse, isn't it? I;ve even got two draft posts saved that are half finished, but both of them feel very messy and all over the place, so I'm giving them a break until I can collect my thoughts. My camera is also on the blink, which doesn't help. I find that photos are often what gives me the impetus to write. So again, dear friends, I ask that you bear with me a little longer whilst I try to think clearly and figure out what it is I'm trying to say.

In the meantime, I'll just tell you that we're all well, that Mark has converted our spare room into an office (so maybe having a proper writing space will help these posts, "a room of one's own" and all that), that Owen said "bless you" to a friend when he sneezed this evening, that William is still keen on biting but I'm working on time outs in a corner and fingers crossed he'll stop scarring his poor brother, that I haven't been running lately and feel terrible for it, that its hot and humid but the boys love to play in the garden anyway, that Abigail and Amber are awesome playdates (I hope Amber posts about her poopy experience with Will last Friday, it was pretty funny), that Mark is considering riding his bike into work a few days a week and I hope he does it because it would be good for him both mentally and physically, and finally, that I really appreciate everyone who reads this of the reasons I take so long posting is because I want to make sure you're getting a good read and not just the usual waffle. Thanks for all your support!

Right, I'm off to see if I can fix my camera and to drink a cup of tea and think about my next post.

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