Sunday, June 01, 2008

Getting Together

Its been many long weeks since our little "we all lived in Ottawa together in 04/05 and loved every minute of it" gang has gotten together, but the stars aligned last night for Mark & Amanda, Annie & Paul, Amber, Jon & Abby to come over and hang out at our place.

Annie & Paul were the first to arrive (and if you know Annie & Paul, you will be as impressed as we were by this fact) and got to play with our members of the England Football team.

Here's Annie entraning the boys with a new game. I love Will's hand on his hip...

Then Uncle Jon & Auntie Amber arrived with a grumpy Abigail ("I told you I HATE that car seat, and yet you insist on putting me in it!"), who quickly converted to cutie Abigail ("Oh, okay, I'll have a nap in the baby bjorn then, if you insist").

Jon read a book to the boys

But Owen got hungry and decided to snack on something
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